Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chapter Six

The most interesting part of this chapter to me was the study of depth perception. It is something that has affected me for my whole life. The first major impact it had on me was playing baseball. I was a good infielder, and I had good instincts and was fast. My coaches early on thought that it would be good to teach me to play the outfield as well in case someone got hurt. In theory this was a good idea, however in practice it failed miserably because of my lack of depth perception. When the ball was hit extremely high into the air I was incapable of telling if I was going to need to run back, forward, or not at all to get to it. This quickly got me out of the outfield.

The next important affect it had on me was driving, and specifically parallel parking. I was never able to get a good sense of how long my car was, and how big parking spaces were. I was forced to improve somewhat because at my high school we only had parallel parking. While I'm still not good at it by any means, I am more capable now. The interesting thing is that this carries over to other aspects of my life. When I play baseball just for fun now I am much better at judging where a ball will fall and getting to it easier.

1 comment:

  1. Minor grammar mistakes but otherwise, good job.

