Monday, May 24, 2010

Chapter Four

For most of my life people have told me that I looked like my mom. I don't find this to be a good or bad thing, but it has been consistent. This is due to genetics, and just the DNA that I've inherited. I know that I have her eyes, her facial features, and a lot of her personality. Because our personalities are so similar we either get along extremely well, or on the rare occasion we argue it will be very intense because we are both extremely stubborn.

I just recently started working for the company that my dad does in an internship, and it has been a bit of a shock for me. When I got there lots of people introduced themselves and asked if I was Calvin's son (my dad.) I assumed at first this was because most of them had worked for or with my dad at some point or another and I had met them a long time ago, or he had told them I was coming. I now work in a different building then him though, and continue to get people asking if I'm his son, or comment that I look a lot like him or act a lot like him. This was very surprising for me because I had never really considered myself to be much like him, and I'm still not sure I am. Obviously though, there is some resemblance since everyone else is able to tell.

1 comment:

  1. There were some run-on and really long sentences and it was a little difficult to read at some parts, but good job!

