Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Chapter Five

Chapter five strikes home for me, because I have a baby cousin who is just about a year and a half now. While I haven't gotten to see him grow up as much as I would like too, I can definitely see some of what this chapter is talking about. When I first saw my cousin he was this tiny little thing that couldn't do anything for himself really. The next time I saw him he was just beginning to crawl around, and he would go to every object and person he could find and just observe them. At this point he was beginning to recognize things. The next time I saw him he was taking wobbly steps and clutching to everything he could; but he definitely recognized things, and he was starting to learn the words for his favorites.

This last time that I have seen him he was running around as fast as his little legs could take him. He was still extremely curious, and would just stare captivated at things that interested him (door knobs, dogs, and smoke alarms being his favorite.) Throughout his short life I have seen many of the evolutions that the book talks about, and it is an even more amazing thing to see in real life.

1 comment:

  1. Good job, but I would have liked a stronger connection to the material- what stages is he exhibiting by these actions? What theories could you apply to what you observed?

