Monday, May 17, 2010

Chapter 2

The thing that I found most fascinating about chapter two would be the fact that the brain can actually be split into two different parts and it will still function at nearly full performance. This really shocked me, and is something that could lead to incredible surgeries being performed in the future. If somebody takes a really bad concussion to one side of the head, or even multiple concussions that are limited to one side of the head, it may be possible in the future to separate the two hemispheres and either limit the damage or to perform surgery on just one side.

In a more practical part of our lives would be the use of the cerebellum. I've seen many instances of people making excellent use of it in the sports I have played. I have played soccer with people who had such fine dribbling skills that it was incredible they could keep their feet moving at such a fast pace with such precise coordination. I have also seen people so drunk they couldn't walk anymore, an instance of it being impaired.

One particular instance I remember well is walking back from brunch on a Saturday and seeing a car pulled over by three state troopers on 81 by the bridge. We watched several sobriety tests being given to him, and him not being able to walk in a straight line or consistently touch his nose. The impressive part of this story is that it was 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your entry, Colin. You mentioned a story at the end, but didn't connect it back to the course material. Otherwise, you did a nice job.

    Delivery - 2
    Relevance - 4
    Expression - 4
    Knowledge - 2
