Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chapter Twelve

I found the Big Five Factors about personality to be extremely interesting, and think it would be very interesting. First is Conscientiousness. I am very disorganized, but I am fairly disciplined and very careful. I only feel the need to be organized about a few things such as computer files, cooking, and being on time (an odd combination I know.) For most of my life I have been raised not to give in to the short term instant gratification, so I think this has helped me a lot for being disciplined. As for being careful, I have learned after hurting somebody by accident that I need to keep a close watch on what I say. Next up would be agreeableness. I fall in the middle of being soft hearted and ruthless. It really depends on what the situation is. I have a very soft spot for children and animals, but on the other hand if someone hurts someone I care about I will go to any length to get revenge and make sure it won't happen again. Trusting is a tough one, I trust a close set of people, but beyond that I'm not all that trusting and will look for any types of manipulation or lies. This comes personal matters, but it has affected my personality greatly. Finally is helpfulness, this one I can safely say applies to me. I will go out of my way to be as helpful as possible and and to not argue if at all possible.

The third factor is Neuroticism. I am both very calm and very self-satisfied. This comes from lots of practice because I use to have a terrible temper and I realized I couldn't keep that up. It took a lot of self evaluation but in the long run it has really helped. Security is a trickier question. I would say that I am secure as a whole, but there are certainly things I am insecure about. I believe that this is true with everybody, and insecurity isn't really a good term to label someone as a whole since you can be both secure and insecure in things. The fourth part is openness. I am very practical, and that's usually the first thing that I think of when looking at something that I am thinking about buying. I prefer variety because it simply keeps me more interested in things. I'm also very independent, probably a product of my parents. The final factor is extravision. I go right down the middle on all of these issues. I am sociable with friends, but reserved with strangers. I'm quite fun loving, but as any of my friend can tell you I can be too serious at times. And lastly I am affectionate with the right person, but as a whole I don't think I can be classified that way.

1 comment:

  1. A few grammar issues, but good job overall.

