Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Chapter 8

Automatic and Effortful Processing is a fascinating subject. I know I never really thought about it until now but it's very true. Most of the things throughout the day are done with Automatic Processing. I woke up this morning, worked out, ate a breakfast sandwich, drove to work, went and played golf, and then ate out for dinner. All of these things are easy to remember and I didn't have to pay any attention to them to remember it. The more individual details of these require Effortful Processing though. To remember the exact workout I did I need to think back because it was Effortful Processing. Same goes for how long I cooked my breakfast, what new stuff I learned at work, how I did on each hole of golf, and where the restaurant was located at. This is something I only learned about today, but already plays a major impact on my life. I will look forward to looking at each day like this.

1 comment:

  1. Minor grammar issues but good job overall

